Yikes! I'm starting to itch... Shaking... Sweating... Definitely ITCHING!
Thursday night is a toughie! I got home from yoga class around 7:15pm, sat down (at the table!) and had a bite to eat with Ben, and then... Um... Hmmm... What to do... What to do...
Normally I'd settle in for a night of mindless television. I like to catch Ugly Betty but I don't watch it religiously. The Office is one of my very favorites but I usually watch them all back-to-back in the summertime when the whole season gets released on dvd. 30 Rock is entertaining but it's not a show I can't miss. So I guess I'm not really missing much... Just a time-filler.
And so I write. I write to keep my mind off of television. And to fill some time.
I had an interesting thought today, a little twisted and warped in some ways but I thought I'd share. If you've read the previous entries you are familiar with my current obsession with the television show "The O.C." Which brings me to my "interesting" thought (I can't believe I'm about the type this...): "Huh... I wonder what they're up to?!" And this thought wasn't in the "I wonder where the stars are now" sort-of way. No. It was in the, "I wonder what Ryan and Marissa are up to since I haven't had contact with them in a few days" kind-of way.
Oh..... My..... God....! Am I delusional? Maybe. Probably. Oh well, at least I'm sane enough to recognize it, right?
Obviously television serves some sort of social purpose for me (or lack thereof). I can observe them interact and feel a part of the action but I don't actually have to assert any energy myself. This makes sense since I haven't had a lot of energy lately and "winter" (if you can actually call it that here in Austin where it was near 90 degrees today) puts me into hibernation mode (as it naturally should!). Maybe these 40 days come at just the right time - to break me of my hibernation and get me back into the "real world" and socializing with "real people" in time for spring. Who knows!? I'm just trying to kill time...
Walking!! (While pushing chair)
14 years ago
Good luck with the challenge or battle against the TV, i'm keeping tuned (sorry for the choice of word :-P) with your blog :)
Hang in there, Squish! I am excited about you going out to more shows and having fun with your friends.
Thanks Jorge and Ben! I appreciate your support!
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