When I initially thought about the amount of television I watch on Fridays I thought I'd be alright today. But then I woke up. I realized Friday mornings I like to watch The Ellen Degeneres Show (on in the a.m. here in Austin) and The View (not my favorite show, but the sheer fact that Whoopi Goldberg is on it makes me laugh) while I'm eating breakfast, cleaning the house, doing laundry and getting ready for the day.
Normally I don't even think through the decision to turn on the television - it's just a given. Today, though, I thought, "Hmmm... I could use a good dose of The Ellen Degeneres Show." I think I even made a few steps toward the living room where the TV is. Then I realized, "Nope. Can't do it." I was a little sad, but got over it quickly as I turned the radio on.
Speaking of radio. Thank God I didn't give up music for 40 days! I don't think I would survive without it. In the mornings I listen to "The Bobby Bones Show" on 96.7 KISS FM. I usually can't take more than an hour of it though since they are always bickering and complaining and whining. Still, it's mildly entertaining. Plus, I won Sarah McLachlan concert tickets from them years ago when they were brand new on the radio, so I might find another contest I want to try to win.
My dad always gets a kick out of this story: The contest was between me and Lunchbox (one of the d.j.s on the show). He's a total guy's guy and wildly chauvinistic (not the same thing in my mind, mind you!). I sometimes throw-up a little in my mouth whenever I hear him speak. Anyway, the contest was: the person who answered the most questions won. They were random questions like "How many ounces in a cup?" or "Do desciduous trees have leaves?" The game hinged on the last question: "Toronto has a professional sports team called the Blue Jays. What sport do they play?" The moment I heard the word Blue I buzzed in (by yelling my name, remember I'm on my phone being broadcast on the radio) and yelled, "BASEBALL!" Lunchbox was stunned. Bobby Bones was stunned too. Finally he said, "Lunchbox! I can't believe you lost.... to a girl.... on a baseball question!" Hooray for me! Plus the concert was A-W-E-some!
Friday evenings are also a big TV watching time for me. When "Friday Night Lights" is on I like to watch it (Cody, I saw you last week on the show in the party scene! Hooray!). When "Lipstick Jungle" and "Las Vegas" were on I liked those too. Lately I've been watching "The O.C." (moment of silence please.... ) on NetFlix back-to-back-to-back-to-back. Keep in mind for the last month or so I've been a Master Pancake widow (Jodi, Kristin, and Joann, you know what I'm taking about). This means that Ben has been performing with Master Pancake Friday nights (and Saturdays too!) so I don't have my built-in playmate to skip around town with doing fun things (sniff, sniff...). I don't mind it thought once in a while. Plus they're mocking "The Matrix" and it is HI-larry-ous! You get to see Ben on stage in his "tighty whities" although they aren't white, they are an array of fruit flavors courtesy of American Apparel.
But do not fear... tonight I have plans. I will be going to Shannon McCormick's "LOLA" show at 8pm at Salvage Vangard Theater and staying for Shana Merlin's "Austin's Next Top Improvisor" show at 10pm. Shannon and Shana are my improv instructors (you did know I was taking improv classes, right?!) and they are *super* HI-Larry-ous! Come out and join me if you want! The more the merrier...
Walking!! (While pushing chair)
14 years ago
Hey Megan! I admire you for taking this on. It's probably something I should do, and yet...
I don't even know what's on most nights because we TiVo everything and watch it later, which I do think actually reduces the hours we spend in front of the tv because it becomes more intentional and less channel-surfy. I watch Friday Night Lights, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, CSI (original and New York), Bones, Cold Case, House, Battlestar Galactica, Terminator, Doll House, the Office, How I Met Your Mother and The Big Bang Theory. The last 7 are ones Scott and I watch together so it would be hard to give up tv unless he was doing it, too--which would probably be good for him as well, although he'd probably just fill the void playing video games. Not sure that's a win.
Thanks for sharing! I think this blog is becoming some sort of group therapy. Many people - friends and strangers - have been confessing their television watching habits to me lately. Maybe I can start a new type of treatment for 'television-o-holics' or something... ;)
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