Thank God this weekend flew by! I really didn't think about watching television until tonight. I don't watch much TV on the weekends. Television watching on the weekend seems to coincide with being bored in the evening - I guess that's true for the weekdays too. Sunday evenings I like to start with an appetizer of 60 Minutes, followed by a starter course of Extreme Home Makeover. Then I move on to the entree: Desperate Housewives. I complete my meal with a delicious serving of Brothers & Sisters for dessert. Damn! That's 4 straight hours of television - of my life I will never get back - YIKES!
Instead of television, this weekend consisted of other things I love: taking PugPuggy to the off-leash dog park; going to weddings (congrats Brenda & Bill!); watching movies - La Vie en Rose (Best Actress Oscar 2008 - well deserved!) and Man on Wire (Best Documentary Oscar 2009 - incredible!); sitting in coffeehouses reading, writing, and people watching; spending time with friends (Cynthia, the Kite Festival was awesome!); and napping and reading (two things I do A LOT of also).
One new thing I did this weekend was participate in a script read-through. Ben's filmmaker-friend, Kat, held a read-through of the first draft of her new screenplay. Ben read a part and I got to listen and provide feedback as an "expert" since the screenplay was about relationships, marriage, and infidelity. It was great (not the infidelity part...)! I thoroughly enjoyed myself! During the reading I got inspired and my creative juices began flowing. I've been wanting to write a screenplay and earlier this weekend I got an idea for one that I really like. I think I'll work on that instead of watching television. Thanks Kat!
5 days down, 35 more to go...
Walking!! (While pushing chair)
14 years ago
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