Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Twitter Tuesdays are in full swing

Surprisingly I have made every Tuesday since I decided to do this blog again. What is the most surprising is on Tuesday, February 23rd I went into labor and still made my Twitter post. Last week (March 2nd) I was recuperating and spending most of my time sleeping or feeding a baby. Today I almost forgot but really didn't have a great excuse.

I have decided March will be about Happiness. I've been reading a lot of Deepak Chopra lately and am really digging his stuff. Much of my posts in March will be largly influenced by his writings. The book of his I'm loving right now is "Power Freedom and Grace: Living from the Source of Lasting Happiness." I came across it at the library and it's actually due back tomorrow but I'm hoping to go in and get it renewed. Otherwise I'll have to order myself a copy on Amazon (which I'll probably do anyway) - I'm still not up for any shopping trips since it's only been two weeks since I gave birth to my first born (a son, he's adorable!).

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/RelationshipZen

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

2010: 40 Days Without... Missing a "Twitter Tuesday"

Around Thanksgiving I was thinking of things I could do that might bring more exposure to my therapy practice. I wondered about how I could utilize social networking sites Twitter seemed more conducive to my line of business than Facebook and it came to me that I would post some sort of "Words of Wisdom" that I've been learning personally and utilizing in my practice professionally.

Please follow me on Twitter and read this blog to find out my motivations behind the Twitter postings I'll be posting each Tuesday.

Each month has a new theme:
January was "Being Present".
February is "Love and Compassion".
March is shaping up to be about "New Beginnings" (hmmm... wonder why!).

This is also a great way for me to meditate on the topics I'm posting which has been an incredibly spiritual practice - helping me stay calm and at peace, centered and grounded. I hope it can be just as valuable to you too!

Please post any comments you have (or suggest topics!?!?) so I can get some feedback and please, please, please re-Tweet my Tweets to others if you find them valuable!

Looking forward to spending the next 40 days with you!

